Market Charts

Better Information and Deeper Understanding Enables Better Decisions

Understanding the moving parts, how they relate and why they’re important provides clarity in any business decision. Energy procurement is no different. It has a unique set of nomenclature, protocols & procedures and databases.

At IPP, we update this space on an ongoing basis in order to keep our clients informed about relevant and timely information that guide decisions in real-time.

What Determines the Price You Pay?

The charts below are intended to help you understand what the moving pieces look like in today’s current ERCOT market. These charts translate the current pricing for both the present and future. These include real-time (LMP) prices, the NYMEX natural gas strips, wholesale heat rates by zones and nodal congestion settlements by zone. For more information please contact us via email at or by phone at (713) 559-0550.

The documents below are resources offered by the IPP team to provide an in-depth look at certain aspects of the ERCOT market. As important changes occur, IPP will continue to add documentation to keep our customers educated on the ever-changing ERCOT market.

ERCOT Real Time (LMP) Pricing


LMP without February 2021 spike

NYMEX Natural Gas

Heat Rates - On Peak